Akka waan Oromoof loltanii jedha qabsaayaan Bullo Obsee . Nama keenna ka hinqabsoofne dhiisaa kammaan qabsaayuu hedduun walquba qabaachuu
Author: Hadi Kanku
Popular youth led revoltions can be misused and derailed
The peaceful protest movements that swept away dictators in Tunisia and Egypt were broadly peaceful. The despots in Bahrain, Yemen and Syria Continue reading “Popular youth led revoltions can be misused and derailed”
Let us commit certain facts to memory
I have come recently by chance upon two CDs recorded in German by Ryszard Kapuscinski, ISBN 978-34922522379, ( King of kings ). The contents Continue reading “Let us commit certain facts to memory”
Maal eeina guyyaan gayee
Maal eeina guyyaan gayee
What I remember
I remember when I was a boy the furthest I moved for the first time away from our village, Shaboo, near Goba/Bale in Oromoland was when I went Continue reading “What I remember”
Let us be aware of misleading propaganda
Thanks to the free media, especially internet communication, we can draw certain conclusions from events of the popular revolts and protests in Continue reading “Let us be aware of misleading propaganda”
الهوة بين البلاغة والممارسة تتسع يوما بعد يوم لدى النخبة السياسية الحبشية
متى تنتهي المسرحية الهزلية الساخرة للدوائر السياسية الحبشية؟
يبدو للمتبصر وكأن أزمة إثيوبيا السياسية والأقتصادية أصبحت من القضاء والقدر، فيما تواصل النخبة الحبشية التجراوية Continue reading “الهوة بين البلاغة والممارسة تتسع يوما بعد يوم لدى النخبة السياسية الحبشية”
Dukkanaan argii lafa jalaa margii
Caution in the wake of the dictator’s exit
In a way the last days of Hosni Mubarak reminded me of the last days of Emperor Haile Sellassie in 1974. He had also tried to identify with, no, even Continue reading “Caution in the wake of the dictator’s exit”
Why political manifestos and moral laws are often unable to mitigate greed.
Because life keeps changing it is not possible to freeze it in statements on paper that are valid for all times. To avoid theoretical mental pitfalls, we Continue reading “Why political manifestos and moral laws are often unable to mitigate greed.”