It would be extremely naive for the oppressed nations and nationalities of Ethiopia and their political elites if they looked seriously for any breakthrough by way of a democratic election under the legacy of an Abyssinian dominated empire built and maintained by pure violence. How did we get here, at this stage, talking of elections now under fascism? Without mincing words, I can say it is the result of the ever growing militarization of American capitalism especially in post soviet era.
For the first time in recent history fascist dictatorships in a number of countries, including Abyssinia under Tigray supremacy, are emboldened and allowed to claim victories in farcical elections organized and stage-managed under the protection of the West. I hoped that with the end of the Cold War a new era of relatively peaceful developments and democratic changes was coming. What is happening is exactly the opposite.
Sadly most people do not like to see the reality: we are living at the beginning of an unprecedented and extremely dangerous historical cycle in human history.
Under these circumstances many of the damages that the new capitalist globalism is doing to mankind, the ecology and democracy itself are irreversible if we do not act immediately. Living beings including the mother earth itself are sick from stress caused by misuse, exploitation and violence. I am not calling here anyone to take up arms now or to what some of my readers may think to be a communist utopia… But we can say from the depth of our hearts yes to health and sanity, and no to the war machines and universal spionage on citizens by acting together peacefully in solidarity across the man-made artificial lines of race, class and religion, in genuine self-expression. Of course such an endeavour needs courage, integrity and organization.
Today no one should underestimate his or her role no matter how weak and insignificant we may appear. Oromos are one of the most ignored oppressed nations of the earth. But if they jettison much of the categories of thinking injected into them by the American and Abyssinian apparatus of hopelessness and violence, they can make difference in the course of world history if they act together even peacefully.
This is possible only if they take themselves seriously as self-respecting human beings, overcoming the century old Abyssinian demoralization and contempt. Then they can be real historical actors as an active part of all those forces in the world who vigorously challenge the existing unjust power arrangements. There are ways and ways to overcome the fear of the vast apparatus of American trained Abyssinian security intelligence, armies, prisons and police.
Now, certain infuriated pundits from the Abyssinian opposition are telling us again and again that they stand for individual rights and equality while our struggles are, according to them, for territories. What a twisting of facts! Is this part of their election fever? Do the Abyssinian elites really stand for equality? The simple, unvarnished truth is most of them want to sabotage the struggle of the enslaved peoples with empty words about equality. They hate equality and fair elections more than anything else in the world. Why? They know that their century old grip on, and monopoly of, power would come to an abrupt end if there is real democracy, as Amharas and Tigrayans constitute minorities compared to the rest of the peoples of the empire. Most people in Ethiopia do not trust them. That is why they are forced to use hired volatile intellectuals and cliques from oppressed nations who are determined to dilute the concept of the right of nations to self-determination, pretending to empower the oppressed peoples. These are indirectly serving the aims of Abyssinia to save the empire from disintegration by all means possible. The Abyssinian empire known as Ethiopia cannot be democratized. It must be dismantled.
The same pundits talk now also of a possible military takeover from the “civilians” as if the TPLF is run by civilians and is not the essential part of the Abyssinian dominated military. They have become, through long practice, experts at shamelessly twisting everything in order to mislead and confuse us and the world at large whenever they feel that their empire is, somehow, in danger of falling apart. This is despite the vast bureaucratic and military machines, designed, in the first place, to destroy any sense or hope for possible fair alternatives.
No other peoples in Africa are reduced to complete servility in a huge mad house like the peoples of Ethiopia. I know it is extremely difficult to awaken their depressed spirits and their extinguished senses and sensibilities for a decent life. But they have no other alternatives than acting consciously. Otherwise the prospect is bleak. In short, it is high time for the oppressed peoples to take themselves more seriously and to act together for their rights. Let us stop once and for all talking any more of any election under a fascist dictatorship, parroting the Abyssinian elites. Let us leave such talk to them and their masters alone echoing only themselves in an empty space.