There is no time in the Abyssinian political history where its main political actors and elites, including its emperors and modern dictators, have not used either the name of God or some variety of global ideologies such as “communism” or even “democracy” today to lend some colour to, and shore up their aggressive domination. Most Abyssinian opposition groups today, especially their Amhara variants, try to hide behind such forum as SMNE to systematically sabotage the struggle of the oppressed peoples within the Ethiopian empire. They are making their New Year resolution in the name of the forum. They even go as far as using dark skinned figures such as Obang Metho to project an image they do not really believe in to advance their agenda, to say nothing of the numerous modern Gobanas and Abbaa Duulas with their hirelings in Oromia. Continue reading “The drive to save Abyssinian hegemony- each time excelling in playing the old game anew”