Let us commit certain facts to memory



I have come recently by chance upon two CDs recorded in German by Ryszard Kapuscinski, ISBN 978-34922522379, ( King of kings ). The contents show the last days of Emperor Haile Sellassie in detail by an eyewitness. In my opinion they are still highly instructive and relevant to our political reality today as ever. Meles Zennawi has become virtually an emperor except in appearance. So was Mengistu Haile Mariam. Both directly incarnating their alleged enemy. Add to them Esaias or even Sheik Sherif if you like, and many others all over the world. The contents of the CDs in question expose decidedly the system of cronyism and suppression  in its crudest form, of buying loyalties directly by tax payers money and by appointments not only to high positions but also to such posts as school directors , to say nothing of the widespread espionage on ordinary people. In short, the listener will relive almost all the dark palace intrigues that are still with us. If we ignore the superficial changes the only real difference being that Amhara warlordism is replaced  by Tigray warlordism. I am afraid many Amhara political cliques will take the publicising of this material as an affront against their beloved emperors. But they have to live with the facts. Interestingly Mr. Ryszard Kapuscinki does not ignore also the comic side of things. I invite all serious opposition groups to first clear the problems of copyright and publicize them by all possible media outllets, translating them into Oromifa, Amharic, English and, if possible Arabic. That way it will have more resonance throughout the region.

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